Jennifer recieving her scholarship as EAG scholar. |
My name is Jennifer Chinonye Umeh. I am Educate a girl scholar in Nigeria (EAG scholar).Educate a Girl (EAG) is about giving girls in need the ability to transform their lives, enter the workforce & have a voice in the media. $100 covers the entire vocal education in media studies of one girl in Nigeria, as well as further grooming.
picture taken at the EAG event, held in Lagos state Nigeria. |
The project is actively engaged in educating, grooming, mentoring and placing girls in the job market, both in radio/tv/print journalism and PR/
social media bloggers for multi-nationals/ corporates.
Jennifer recieving her Certificate of completion on Fundamentals and practics of Journalism |
This project is helping women and girls get and keep jobs and then create a system to hire others. The project is reminding girls they have a voice, giving them a platform for that voice to be heard and the freedom to say whatever they want. They are bringing together Nigerian deserving girls from different ethnicities in Nigeria to educate them and Give them a Future
A group photo, with the pupils of Ipe community primary school. An Outreach organised by MAGIC fellows. |
I am a MAGIC FELLOW. (Mentor a girl child fellow) MAGIC FELLOWS are youths who are passionate about the issues facing the Girl Child In Nigeria, ranging from Early Marriages, Child abuse, Health, Education etc
Jennifer lifting a child at the MAGIC fellow outreach held at Ipe in kwara state Nigeria. |
The fellowship program which is an initiative of Her Voice, runs for a period of a year to improve the livelihood of the girl child. During this period the Fellows are exposed to mentorship, networking and training opportunities during their fellowship tenure.
A group photograph at the 2016 Liberty camp organised by ALOD. - Lagos Nigeria. |
I am a libertarian at African Liberty Organisation for Development - Think-thank. As Libertarians, We are called the "CHEETAH GENERATION" Cheetah generation are the new and angry generation of young African Students, graduates and professionals, who look at African issues and problems from a totally different and unique perspective. We are dynamic, intellectually agile, and pragmatic. You may call us the “restless generation” but we are Africa’s new hope.
Participants at the 2016 SYPALA. -Accra Ghana |
We brook no nonsense about corruption, inefficiency, ineptitude, and incompetence. We understand and stress transparency, accountability, human rights, and good governance. We also know that many of Our current leaders are hopelessly corrupt. We do not look for excuses for government failure
A friendly photograph with participants at the 2016 SYPALA. - Accra Ghana. |
Our outlook and perspectives are refreshingly different from those of many African leaders, intellectuals, or elites, whose mental faculties are so foggy and their reasoning
or logic so befuddled that they cannot distinguish between right and wrong. They blame everybody else for Africa’s problems except themselves.
A group photograph at the 2016 SYPALA. held at Accra Ghana. |
We are the young ones, We are the ones that will change Africa.
We are strong. We are impatient
with corrupt governments. We demand the responsibility and the LIBERTY to run our own lives, to make our own choices, to pursue our own happiness.
Students displaying every woman is a star at Benin Outreach. |
I got my chance in 2016, I became a State Coordinator with She is a Model International. SHE’S A MODEL ACADEMY is an international organization poised with the passion of total personality branding of the girl child. They give intensive training designed to train young ladies to be model of true success,and equip them with fresh perspectives and new strategies to discover their authentic destinies.Interacting with young people, guiding them, answering queries were all part of my job.
Jennifer metoring Students at Every woman is a star Outreach organised by She is a model Int - Benin city. |
In January 2016, I became the Executive director of Hope for African Girls Initiative. HAGI is a platform for implementing SDG’S goal 1, goal 4 and goal 5 in all it forms. In line with the sustainable development goals agenda, the issue surrounding women and girls’ empowerment, Gender Equality and human dignity becomes a primordial task for every stakeholder. These pressing issues led to the creation of Hope for African Girls Initiative (HAGi) in January 1st 2016 with the vision of seeing the Girl child at the centre of development and peace. HAGI is developed to improve and foster the self actualization of the girl child’s potential for societal development.
HAGI Outreach programme - Kwara state, Nigeria |
We want to see the girl child being celebrated, empowered, educated, and creating mastery of purpose, exercise of human rights and total engagement of women. In Africa, there are a lot of challenges facing the girl child. With detailed study over the years, these challenges have been best categorized under the niche of Education, Health and basic Human rights that shouldn't be gender depriving.
HAGI Outreach programme - River State Nigeria |
The girl child, like her awesome gender counterpart is also faced with these enormous challenges but we are compelled to attend to the more vulnerable the girl child and women at large. Our mission is to educate and empower the girl child with the aim of enhancing their values through campaigns and raising awareness, if just one girl is touched our mission is accomplished.
HAGI Outreach programne - Ogun State, Nigeria |
As i mentor and empower young girls, I somehow, became their hope. My job entails providing, educating, mentoring and empowering girls with information. I also identify the most vulnerable cases to make best service of the capacity we have. We have 150 girls but we don’t have the capacity to serve them all with our limited funds.
HAGI outreach programme - Enugu state , Nigeria |
What I consider most precious about this job is to be able to listen to everyone’s problems and offer some compassion. For the girls, they have someone they can talk to who can perhaps try to find a solution, who represents their chance of some respite from their never-ending plight.
I am volunteering to help girls and my work has meaning!
U are obviously doing something great... My prayer is dat God wil grant u more grace to do greater tinz in d lives of everyone esp. d females.. Stay blessed Jennifer. Happy birthday to You Today!!!